Saturday, November 24, 2012

We're HOME!!
It's been a very busy few days and I haven't had a chance to update the blog.  I'm going to backtrack and record some of the happenings of our travel adventure and first days home.  I will be brief though.  I don't have much time..

We started our trip home by driving from Guangzhou to Hong Kong which took about 3 hours.  Our driver was weaving all around cars, faster.. slower.. back & forth -- the ride seemed to be typical of our experience in China so I didn't think much of it.  I fed Abigail a nice big container of blueberry yogurt.  Well, guess what ended up all over my lap and shirt??  Yep.  I guess she gets car sick!

We stayed the night in Hong Kong, which seemed to be a pretty cool city.  I would have loved to go to Disneyland there.  It was time for the 12 1/2 hour flight home..  oh, boy!  Abby did well on the flight.  She fussed when she was tired then would fall asleep in various positions on me.  When she was sleeping I was like a frozen statue --  if I moved she would wake up, fuss and cry -- so I remained a statue.  Sometimes I wondered if I still had the ability to walk since my body was numb from sitting so long in one position.

We arrived in San Francisco Wednesday morning..  along with all the other Thanksgiving holiday travelers..  the place was a ZOO!  Fortunately, we could bypass some of the long lines since we had a child in a stroller.  After maneuvering through immigration and customs, we got to our gate and I ate a very yummy salad.  Then we went on one more flight and arrived in TX.

My father-in-law picked us up from the airport..  the kids were at home waiting.  When we drove up to the house, I wanted first of all to see my baby William.  Two weeks is a long, long time to be away from your 18 month old.  He saw me and stood at the front door with his lower lip puckered out in a big frown.  At first it was like he forgot me and was shy to see me.  I gave him a big hug, then hugged my big boys and went to sit down on the carpet.  It didn't take long for William to warm up..  he was running all around, jumping in my lap for hugs and tickles, and just pointing at me saying "mama, mama".  Yes, it really was mama!  The big boys had made us a "Welcome Home" sign and chocolate cookies (made out of kleenex).  Abigail was happy to be free to run around after being confined to cars, strollers and airplanes for so long.    She explored the toys and ran around in the joy of the boys.  My mother-in-law made a scrumptious dinner of hamburgers, fries and salad.  It is so good to be home!

The next day was Thanksgiving..  I had pre-ordered the dinner from Whole Foods so we picked it up in the morning and enjoyed a very yummy holiday meal together.

My dad left for home this morning.  I am so very thankful that he shared this experience with me.  He was very supportive and helpful, and Abby loves her grandpa.  What a special memory we shared together!

The first few days home have been happy, exhausting, chaotic and emotional.  It will take a while for us to settle into a groove..  for each of the kids to find their place in the family.  It is so important for us to stay in God's Word and stay focused on what's truly important.

I will continue to update the blog --  it won't be every day, but when I have thoughts or happenings to share.  Thank you for praying for us and supporting us!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome home! I am so glad that you are home with your daughter and with your boys again! Now, all you need is your husband! :) Praying for you during this period of adjustment home. God bless, Colleen
