Sunday, December 9, 2012

Life With Two Toddlers

So, I've been home 2 1/2 weeks and just now feel like I can come up for air.  The days are busy..  if the babies are awake I'm on the move.  If I sit, someone is climbing on me..  if I move to another room, I have two shadows..  if I go to the bathroom, well..  you get the picture.

I will mention a few things about our transition..

Food and eating behavior
It seems that Abigail was spoon-fed everything in the orphanage.  The only way she would eat when we first came home is if I fed her.  She spit out everything that had texture:  bread, fruit, vegetables, meat..  I tried feeding her pureed veggies (baby food) and she likes that.  She also likes baby cereal, ramon noodles, rice and bananas.  All these foods I must sit and feed her.  The minute I look away or give her the chance to feed herself, she hurls the food on the floor..  even though she's hungry.  If my dog is nearby, he leaps at the opportunity and polishes everything off.  Very frustrating.  A stern "no" with frowny face did no good.  Today I'm trying a new strategy..  I'm telling her the cup holder on her tray is the "no, thank you" cup.  If she doesn't want to eat it, put it in the "no, thank you" cup.  When she throws food on the floor, I promptly take her out of her seat and have her pick up the food from the floor and put it in her "no, thank you" cup.  She is responding to this strategy..  I hope we can resolve the issue.  Of course, William also throws food too...  but when he's full and ready to get down.  I've taught them sign for "all done" as well as "more" and "please".  Abby especially uses these signs without being prompted.  William needs reminders.

Divided attention
It took me about a week to get this figured out to a workable solution.  William has always had mommy's undivided attention and Abigail enjoyed mommy to herself while in China.  It was a shock to both when they started realizing they needed to share me.  When I fed Abby a bottle and held her, William wanted one too and wanted to be held (keep in mind, William only drank from a bottle one time in his life!).  Like I said when my big boys were little, "two laps, two babies".  I just hold them both while they drink their bottles..  I also read a story at the same time. Yes, we're juggling!  Abigail has not figured out the steps yet and needs to be carried down the stairs ..  guess who else wants to be carried down now?  I just hold both and don't worry about doing any arm work-outs later.  When I tickle one, I tickle the other.  When I swing one in the air, I swing the other.  Is this exhausting?  YES!  Is it fun?  YES!

Clingy in public
As to be expected, Abigail is shy and reserved in public.  She is observing the world and is not sure about everything.  She wants to be held by me and cries if I put her down.  We are building our confidence through everyday love and care.   I'm trying to leave her for short stretches so she will know "mommy leaves but mommy always comes back".  I can only imagine her perspective on life right now.  She needs lots of stability and structure.

Life with two toddlers
A few pictures will tell the story..
Oh, yes!  Toilet paper.
Helping in the kitchen
Target outing 
Happy and busy family.  Now we're just waiting on daddy to come home from deployment!


  1. So fun! They are going to be best buddies! You look great, M. Miss you!

  2. Praying for you. Great to hear the update. Life does seem to be very full and very challenging, but it sounds like you are finding to laugh. Blessings and prayers, Colleen

  3. So glad to see the update. Can't imagine being that busy, although a good busy. Have a Blessed Holiday season.
